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Running up of Aluminium Price


Up to Oct. 19. 2021, the price of Aluminium in China hit the new high level RMB23895.00, compare with the price RMB11000.00 of last year, the amount of increase is 117%!

And in Shanghai Exchange, it once reached RMB24700.00!

The reason of this increase, one is national power limited policy, from October, government released the policy to limit the power used by high energy-consumption enterprise, including aluminium manufacturers, such as Zhengzhou, the policy is “run 3 days, close 4 days”, Chinese Aluminium Mining Industry is limited there. The other reason is international aluminium price, such as Netherlands, the cost of aluminium is USD4500.00, most of aluminium company is losing their money in the process, and up to Oct. 19. 2021, in London Metal Exchange, the price of aluminium is USD3000.00. The basic reason is power shortage too.
And according to the condition of whole global market, the aluminium price will be kept running up for a long time, until the power shortage is solved in China and other countries.